Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Success after Success after Slip after Success

Wow! I ate pizza last night. I ate pb/j today. It's crazy. Something doesn't follow in my mind. I don't understand how I made the change or why I made it. But I did make the change. And I am constantly amazed by that. I don't think very many of you can understand what it means. It is better than being "saved." And I have been saved, so I can say that. I don't even know how to explain it. You know, it is a sense of being oddly aware of the little things. Taking an odd sort of pleasure in the very small things. Having a strong sense of awareness about where you are, where you have been and how grateful you are for being helped to get here. Really, how many people have a sense that just eating pizza is something to enjoy? Exactly.

Everytime that gratitude kicks in, when I have that revelation that "oh, I couldn't have done this while dating Ed," I am glad that I had the opportunity to appreciate all these little things. Life is so much more that way.

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