Friday, March 30, 2007

Yay, ANOTHER issue

One of the funny things about EDs is the millions of forms they take. From traditional anorexia and bulimia to chew/spit to compulsive exercise to COE/BE. The other funny thing is that the ED tries to escape you when you try to recover, changing form fluidly from day to day. So, after seven years as a "traditional" bulimic, the ED has been chasing me with anorexia, c/s, and compulsive exercise. Let me tell you, needing to exercise for an hour so I can have "permission" to eat a SMALL, HEALTHY meal is g-d awful annoying. Meticulously counting calories. . . NOT FUN EITHER!

It seems as though this is all set after set after set of different behaviors, never really a step forward, just around in a circle. BLARG!

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