Sunday, January 20, 2008

People who see clearly

Are considered blind.

I made my first post in "advanced recovery" last night about how I didn't want to be recoverED. In the sense that, recoverED isn't my goal anymore. I think it is a ridiculous goal for only those who live by fairy tales about what it means to have a mental illness. And my post was promptly moved to Anorexia/Bulimia. Not even A/B Recovery. I am not sick anymore and I am not in denial. Ask others. They agree. But don't ask people who live by fairy tales. All day I have been fighting their belief that I can be recoverED, in the sense that I can get to a point where I am at no higher risk for an ED than anybody else. My ass! I will always be closer to ED than those who have never had an ED. Something made me initially susceptible and there is no reason to think that the proclivity disappeared in the past year or so.

I'm just frustrated. Now that I see clearly, I am considered blind.

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