Friday, January 11, 2008

A Lesson

I have been trying to decide if I qualify for "advanced recovery." One of the things that has stopped me from saying yes is "in recovery for two years." Well my initial reaction is, no, it has been only three months. That's not true. I haven't used behaviors for three months. I've been "in recovery," more or less so for several years. So, what's the lesson: Recovery takes time. For some of you, that's no shocker on the surface. But, do you really understand what that means? It means you are going to read and get advice at point A, but not even figure out how to put it into practice until point C. Things don't always make sense, they aren't always useful then and there. I think part of recovery is a mining expedition: what are some tools? Dig them out. What are some ideas about what recovery is? Dig them out. And hang onto them until you get back to the lab. Then start testing them. Some of them you will have to test many times before anything happens. Some will be useless from the get go. And a few will be precious platinum.

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