Friday, November 9, 2007

I don't fit.

That's been a little bit of an overwhelming feeling lately. I don't fit. Now, I am trying very hard to not let that develop into "and therefore I should starve so I do fit" but it is getting increasingly difficult to do. And when I am actively engaging in ED behaviors I have a place where I fit, with all the rest of the people who understand EDs. I know. It's pathetic. Humans are pathetic. We don't often rise above drives for relationships. Some of us do a decent job of denying the fact that we have or need any. But it is usually an unhealthy way of denial.

I am going to ask Dr. H. about life advice about this today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find myself fighting the same thoughts lately. We fit...somewhere...and maybe not where we're at right now. But we do fit.